Galapagos, Amazon and Volunteering 44d

Combine traveling and voluntering in Ecuador and experience in 6 weeks the beauty of Ecuadorian nature, while helping to protect it.

44 days

Full Galapagos Island Hopping Tour

Most people make a cruise around the Galapagos Islands, which is undeniable a beautiful experience. But for those who want to have a bit more freedom (in the evenings), it is good to keep in mind that isactually the amazing flora and fauna on the Galapgos Islands that helped Darwin to develop his theory…

8 days

Explore the Amazon Jungle of Iquitos

Arrive in Iquitos (La Ciudad Caliente) and enjoy the spicy nightlife. The next day you travel 44 miles into two ecosystems and pass through the “green wall”; During your tour you will learn about the customs and daily activities of native river people, travel into the Yanayacu forest and discover its impressive flora and fauna.

5 days

El Dorado in the Pacaya Samiria Amazon Reserve

Travel like a real explorer deep into the Amazon Rainforest. During this unique and adventures tour you will navigate all the way to Laguna El Dorado, located in the heart of the Pacaya Samiria Amazon Reserve! Along the way you will sleep in tents and rustic shelters, managed by local communities who still live in and from the Amazon.


10 days

Essential North Peru Tour

Join this special tour and travel with us through the North of Peru, where you discover the ancient desert and spectacular highland landscapes of Peru! During this short tour you will learn more about the rich history of the Moche, Chimu, Lambayeque and cloud people of Chachapoyas, who build the impressive archeological site of Kuelap!

9 days

El Altar Trek

This spectacular trek brings you to the impressive mountains of El Altar. El Altar is located in one of the most remoted nature reserves in Ecuador, called Sangay National Park

3 days

Eden Galapagos Cruises

The motor yacht Eden has been designed for Galapagos island cruising. Originally launched in 1996 and renovated in 2002 the steel hulled yacht accommodates 16 passengers in 4 cabins. The shaded lounge on the bridge is nice area to congregate with your fellow passengers and admire the views along the way.

8 days

Ecuadorian Inca Trail

Get off the Gringo trail and follow one of the last parts of the old Inca Trail from Achupallas till Ingapirca in Ecuador!

3 days

Ecuador Relaxation Tour

Are you close to a burn-out, exhausted from having stress at work, or do you want to prevent to get that far, then it is time take action. Challenge yourself to fit a well-deserved rest into your busy live schedule!
Step away from your full daily agenda join this relaxation tour to Ecuador’s finest natural surroundings, the fertile Valley of Longevity, Vilcabamba!
This special tour to Ecuador is designed to relax and heal both your body and mind and provide you with new energy.


8 days

Ecological Ecuador Tour

During this ecological tour in Ecuador you travel in only two weeks, to two of the most famous natural highlights of Ecuador and maybe even the whole of South America, the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon Rainforest!

14 days

Darwin Galapagos Cruises

The Galapagos Cruises with the Darwin yacht are a great option for budget travelers. This motor yacht has a total capacity for 16 passengers in double cabins with bunk beds and private bath. The Darwin has cruises of 4, 5, 7 and 8 days.

8 days

Jamu Lodge, Cuyabeno Amazon Tour

JAMU AMAZON LODGE is located 15 min from the Laguna Grande, on the banks of the Cuyabeno River, in the Cuyabeno Amazon Reserve. Jamu is in the perfect location to view the protected forest of Cuyabeno which is flooded with wildlife; you can also swim in the Laguna Grande. A stay at the Jamu Lodge offers a continuous possibility of activities. The lodge offers 5 cabañas that can accommodation up to 40 people, each cabaña is built in a traditional rustic style with thatched roofs, and is lit naturally with candles in order to maintain the experience of the jungle.

5 days