Can tourism and traveling be sustainable? How traveling and tourism has evolved . Modern (mass) tourism . Bad information attracts inexperienced travellers . Incomplete and wrongly informed tourists . Consequences of too many tourists – Are Eco tourism and Volunteer tourism sustainable? . Eco Lodges . Volunteer work – Tips to make tourism more sustainable: . Travel responsible . Mentality and expectations while traveling . Respect the local culture . Respect the local laws and rules . Be careful using bookings websites for places to stay . South American or foreign companies – How tourism can maintain/ improve its destination . The future of traveling Sustainable tourism is currently a very hot topic and companies who want to improve their

About Bolivia The most indigenous country in South America Bolivia: now officially known as the Plurinational State of Bolivia, is a landlocked country in central South America. Capital: Sucre (official), La Paz (administrative) Largest city: Santa Cruz Area: 1.1 million sq km (424,164 sq miles), 98.7% land and 1.3% water President (2023): Luis Alberto Arce Catacora Population: Around 12 million (2023) World Bank Government: Presidential system, unitary state, Republic 34 Official languages including: Spanish Language, Quechua, Aymara language, Leco language, Puquina Language, Mòoré Language, Chiquitano language, Baure Language, Sirionó language, Kallawaya, Movima language, Canichana language, Itonama Language, Cayubaba language, Uru language, Araona Language, Ayoreo language, Tacana language, Pacahuara language, Chácobo language, Reyesano language, Tapieté Language, Cavineña Language, Wichí Lhamtés Nocten

All about Peru Peru, is known for it’s: Incas, Amazon, Nasca, Moche, Chavin, Huaraz and Chachapoyas are only the top of all the highlights this unique South American country has to offer. Official national name: República del Perú Capital city: Lima, 11 million + President: Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra (2023) Land area: 494,208 sq mi (1,279,999 sq km); total area: 496,223 sq mi (1,285,220 sq km) (37.7 times the size of the Netherlands) Population (2023 est.): 33700,000 (growth rate: 1.02%); birth rate: 19.13/1000; infant Mortality rate: 21.5/1000; life expectancy: 72.73 years Monetary unit: Sol (1991/ 2017) Languages: Spanish, Quéchua (both official); Aymara; many minor Amazonian languages Ethnicity/race: Amerindian 45%, Mestizo 37%, White 15%, Black, Japanese, Chinese, and other 3% Religion:

About Ecuador Ecuador – Highlights include: Galapagos, the Equator, local traditions, the Amazon and the Andean Mountain range with 7 mountains and volcano’s higher than 5000 m. More information on why we should visit Ecuador. Official Name: Republica de Ecuador Area: 256.370 KM2 (about 7x the size of the Netherlands) Amount of inhabitants: 17.8 million (2023) Capital: Quito Form of Government: Democratic President: Daniel Noboa (2023) Language: The official main language is Spanish, but regional the indigenous Kichwa and Shuar are also accepted as official languages in Ecuador. Currency: US Dollars Religion: Freedom of religion, but Catholic is the dominant religion A website for tourism by the Ecuadorian government. Five Fun things to do in Ecuador, by Jules T. Geography